My cat Bosch, 2 days before I left her behind (3 months ago today)

Ten years ago tomorrow, I adopted a big fluffy pregnant cat and named her Bosch after my favorite painter. It was just me and her. She didn't even LIKE anyone but me. And when she had her 6 little black babies in the closet of my attic apartment in Nashville, she wrapped her paw around my finger and pushed them out, knowing I was right there to love her, help her, and support her.

And for 10 years, I have been...and she me. She has seen me through THE craziest and hardest of times (too numerous and overwhelming to list.) And she's helped me and even HEALED me! She is my best friend, in so many ways, and leaving her to come to Japan was one of the hardest things I've ever had to do.

Until now.

Today I found out from my friend Kara, who graciously took that big fluffy cat into her home back in May, that prompted by some strange behavior over the past couple weeks, she'd taken Bosch to see a vet. The approximately 14 year old Birmese was diagnosed with CDS (feline Alzheimer's). !!!!!! I am devastated. She is not doing well at all--not eating, not aware, getting lost, lethargic, not wanting touch, not recognizing Kara, using the bathroom in strange places... The doctor gave some medicine and I pray that it gives her some relief...for BOTH her sake and Kara's! Can you imagine helping out an old friend by hosting their beloved cat while they're on the mission field...only to have her diagnosed with an irreversible and even fatal condition less than 3 months later??

What will life BE like for them? :(

I am hurting.

I am hurting because I already missed my cat...SO much! And now there is this deeper longing and this...guilt! I love her best and most. I promised her a better life. I said, "It's you and me." Now I've forsaken her...ABANDONED her! She must be so frightened!! Oh, poor baby!! I love her so much!! What if my friend gets tired of her? What if caring for her is too hard? It would NEVER be too hard for me!! I love her. I LOVE HER! I would do anything for her. (What CAN I do?)

Oh, Bosch.

My "baby"

My best friend and me (January of this year)

Please pray for this awesome, special kitty that she may know she is loved, even if she knows nothing else.
And pray for comfort and strength for all those who cherish her...especially Kara.

And me.


Comments (3)

On July 7, 2010 at 4:21 PM , Quiet Entertainer said...

I'll pray

On July 7, 2010 at 8:32 PM , Unknown said...

awww. praying for all three of you. I used to do feline rescue (while I was going to Watkins and before in CO too) and had up to twenty at one time. I know the unconditional love that they have for us and we for them. "They" say animals don't have souls, don't believe them. Bosch will go to kitty heaven. I hope you can find some comfort in that. RheAnn you are a great kitty mama and went to great lengths to find her a good home. She is loved. Hugs.

On July 13, 2010 at 8:45 AM , Unknown said...

I just now read this. I am so sorry about Bosch. I know it must be hard to be so far away when this is happening. You all are in my prayers. I'm going to give Mya some extra love tonight and tell her that her Mama Bosch loves her.