Helloooo!  I'm RheAnn, the newest missionary for the Cumberland Presbyterian Church and I will be living and teaching English in Tokyo, Japan for the next three years!

My planned departure is Spring of this year (2010).  We're shooting for March 30!!!!  (Japan is 15 hours ahead of Central time zone, so I'll arrive "the next day!")  Between now and then, I'm traveling throughout the U.S. inviting people to partner with me through prayer, encouragement, and financial support.  So far I've really enjoyed meeting new people and sharing my passion for serving others here and in my new home!

I hope you'll follow my journey here and let's keep one another in our prayers, ok?

I'm happy to speak to your church, your friends, your organization, or even your knitting circle! ;)  Contact me here or by e-mail, rheann.in.japan@gmail.com , to set something up!  Arigato!

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